Cosmic Dancer
Eindhovens Dagblad
Master Thesis
Contextual Design
Design Academy of Eindhoven
Part of Dutch Design Week
Since the first detonation of an atomic bomb in 1945, humankind has lived in the nuclear age in which we need not only to comprehend our individual death but also communal death. Cosmic Dancer is an immersive installation that invites visitors into a meditative contemplation of cycles of life: creation, preservation, destruction, and rebirth. Visitors are seated around a water pool that acts as a sensory magnifier to guide their attention to a particle, represented by a drop of water. By focusing on how a single water drop cycles through change, a sense of self and orientation in space fades away, resulting in an experience of oneness with the whole.

The sky is blue due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering which refers to the scattering of electromagnetic radiation (of which light is a form) by particles of a much smaller wavelength. Our eyes are more sensitive to blue rather than violet which means to us the sky appears blue.
When the Sun is lower in the sky, sunlight goes through more of the atmosphere. The blue light is scattered so much that the reds and yellows pass through to your eyes. I’ve tried to capture the blue of the sky and the red of the sunset.
And these colors are so if the air pollution is not present. We have almost burnt up all the sunlight aka fossil fuels. We are reaching for the sky and traveling to outer space but getting further away from what is here we need to take care of.
“The sky will always be too big for me but the part that I see will always be mine”
Mixed media

Wild Journey
Of The Sand
Sand is the most widely consumed natural resource on the planet after fresh water and air.
Modern cities are made of sand.
Desert sand eroded by wind rather than water, is too smooth and rounded to lock together to form stable concrete.
The tragedy of the commons- there is not enough sand to respond to the demand. This leads to a shortage of natural environment- sand theft, beaches disappearing, and entire islands being gone. Sand mining destroys one home to build another.
Silica is formed when massive stars explode.
We are all, quite literally, made of stardust.
Wind, ice, rain, and millennia of time erode mountains into smaller rocks, stones, and sand.
One directional - exhaustible resource.
Molten glass hourglass of 4.5 billion years.
In every grain of sand, there is a history of the universe
Slumped glass, aluminum scaffolding, sand

Escape Folly / BI
Thesis project Escape Folly Installation of BI
Fashion Institute of Technology
New York, USA